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IMPETUSTECHNO 61d426f1044f410001ea0116 Products
about Impetus Techno Solutions

about our organization

We are pleased to introduce ourselves as Solution provider to your esteemed organization. As the name 'Impetus' suggests, we help our customers to drive productivity and move industry along by delivering most productive solutions, which are being developed and introduced continuously. We want to be and shall strive to be a company, who are 'easy to deal with' and to be ‘One Stop Solution’ for our customers. We are authorized Channel Partner of ... Cutting Tools  Ceratizit : Leading European company in field of Cutting tools  Bilz : Inventor of tap adaptors. Manufacturer of Tool holders of machining centers  Bohlerite : Leader in heavy machining like Roll Turning, bar peeling  Emkay : Leading manufacturer of Machine taps as well as hand tap sets  Totem : Trusted name in Taps, Endmills, Rotary burrs, Thread dies Lubricants, Grease, Cutting Oil  Lubgraf : Rust preventive oil, Lubricants and specialty grease, Coolant oils etc Callington : Metal Working Fluid, who are specialist for Synthetic Cutting oil Measuring  Systems : Thread Plug and Thread Ring Gauges Others  Hoffmann : Complete Catalogue house from Germany to cater all industries  Forbes Kendo : Leading company having full range of Hand Tools, Power Tools  Chembond : Leading manufacturer of Epoxy Floor & PU Coating products We also deal in... Special tools - We can deliver tools as per requirement of component and / or to improve productivity. We have our own design & production setup. Hoffmann - Solution provider for all industry segment i.e; Work holding products (Zero-point Clamping, Machine Vice etc), hand tools, Assembly tools, Workstations & Storage, Cutting tools, Metrology product, Power Tools, Tools for grinding and many more Leave make- Tombstone (Tooling column), Modular vices and other work holding products. We keep stock for all products used in any machine shop ready in Shop to cater our customers. We are well equipped and resourceful to handle any of your technical queries. Our strength lies in accepting challenge of Productivity Improvement in any CNC Setup and any process industries. Assuring our best services all the time. We shall await to receive your valued enquiries.

    about Impetus Techno Solutions

    We are pleased to introduce ourselves as Solution provider to your esteemed organization. As the name 'Impetus' suggests, we help our customers to drive productivity and move industry along by delivering most productive solutions, which are being developed and introduced continuously. We want to be and shall strive to be a company, who are 'easy to deal with' and to be ‘One Stop Solution’ for our customers. We are authorized Channel Partner of ... Cutting Tools  Ceratizit : Leading European company in field of Cutting tools  Bilz : Inventor of tap adaptors. Manufacturer of Tool holders of machining centers  Bohlerite : Leader in heavy machining like Roll Turning, bar peeling  Emkay : Leading manufacturer of Machine taps as well as hand tap sets  Totem : Trusted name in Taps, Endmills, Rotary burrs, Thread dies Lubricants, Grease, Cutting Oil  Lubgraf : Rust preventive oil, Lubricants and specialty grease, Coolant oils etc Callington : Metal Working Fluid, who are specialist for Synthetic Cutting oil Measuring  Systems : Thread Plug and Thread Ring Gauges Others  Hoffmann : Complete Catalogue house from Germany to cater all industries  Forbes Kendo : Leading company having full range of Hand Tools, Power Tools  Chembond : Leading manufacturer of Epoxy Floor & PU Coating products We also deal in... Special tools - We can deliver tools as per requirement of component and / or to improve productivity. We have our own design & production setup. Hoffmann - Solution provider for all industry segment i.e; Work holding products (Zero-point Clamping, Machine Vice etc), hand tools, Assembly tools, Workstations & Storage, Cutting tools, Metrology product, Power Tools, Tools for grinding and many more Leave make- Tombstone (Tooling column), Modular vices and other work holding products. We keep stock for all products used in any machine shop ready in Shop to cater our customers. We are well equipped and resourceful to handle any of your technical queries. Our strength lies in accepting challenge of Productivity Improvement in any CNC Setup and any process industries. Assuring our best services all the time. We shall await to receive your valued enquiries.

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